Check out what our audiences have been saying about us!
Tony Bedewi
Timpanist, BBC Symphony Orchestra
“Exhilarating, uplifting, energetic and inspiring!” – Kym
“Awesome. A new and exciting way to bring music to life.”– Mike and Deb
“Absolutely brilliant. Can’t wait to hear and see more of your innovative style, flair and humour.” – Erica

Percussive Brilliance Percussimo burst on to the concert platform with a brilliant performance to launch this new vibrant and innovative ensemble. Each of the eight members, all highly trained, multi skilled musicians,drew the audience into the performance with their refined technical skills, high energy and masterful musicianship. Pre concert promotion had certainly raised audience expectations and this group of young ambitious professionals did not disappoint. From the opening Mambo, specially arranged for the launch, to the final King of Pop medley, Percussimo performed the engaging program with exceptional technical precision and flair, musical passion and sensitivity, and a youthful exuberance that included innovative movement, lighting effects and humour. The vast palette of colours and sounds enhanced by a full range of dynamics was impressive and ensured that although there were many lighthearted moments, excellence in musical performance was the central focus. Percussimo has set ambitious musical goals, but above all the fun and enjoyment that they brought to this concert clearly sets their agenda to present current, exciting, entertaining concerts that connect with the audience and demonstrates their genuine love of percussion. Make sure you hear Percussimo’s next performance.
Mark Sullivan – Music Educator, Conductor, Adjudicator & Clinician Winner, 2011 National Excellence in Teaching Award
While on this Sunday afternoon Mother Nature took a break from unleashing her by now regular spectacle of light and sound in the skies above, the eight member percussion ensemble, Percussimo, more than made up for it on stage as they gave world-class performances which elicited their own thunderous applause. Under the brilliant creative direction of Tina Liu, in a master class of the percussive arts, Percussimo took the audience on a journey from a palpitating beat of Brazillian Street dancing to the celestial, almost spiritual sounds from the ‘Edge of the World’ and back to a bit of Michael Jackson boogie. When they took to the stage following interval, out came the pots, pans, wooden spoons and other kitchen utensils including the rubbish bins in a hand-clapping foot tapping arrangement of fun with things that go BANG, even at one point, furnishing audience members with triangles to enhance the magic of making music and rhythm with percussion instruments. The almighty force of their final ‘Sabre Dance’ left the audience in raptures and hungry for more of this masterful ensemble.
Sue Walker – Somerset News